We are so excited to have Johnny come to Palmetto Healing Arts! I hope you'll come join us for an exciting deep dive look at the chakras through the planets, symbolism and mythology.
AstrologerJohnny Barnett travels the US teaching classes and doing private astrological readings and will take us on a 2-hour exploration of the basic building blocks of the Human being - the chakras- uncovering along the way our true nature and purpose, and helping us navigate the complexities of being an infinite spirit in a physical body.
We’ll see each Chakra in light of it’s planetary companion, as each of the 7 traditional planets of astrology corresponds to a specific Chakra- “as above, so below”.
We’ll see the correspondences with the gods an goddesses of Mythology who share their names with those planets- seeing in their stories the instinctive nature of ourselves and the 7 basic energies every human comes here to experience and express.
Cost is $40 for this interactive class and space will be strictly limited to 15 to keep the intimacy of the class for interaction.
Click on the ticket link to hold your spot. Or go to the classes tab to get yourself scheduled :)
Johnny is an astrologer, author and intuitive and has been practicing astrology for 30+ years. His complementary studies in symbolism, mythology, religion, Jungian psychology, physics and the works of contemporary and recent thinkers such as Eckhart Tolle and Joseph Campbell, as well as his experiences as a father, husband, entrepreneur, community activist and musician inform his work.
Video preview on You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MboNmK6hLII
Instagram - @chakraology
Facebook - /chakraology
Website: www.chakraology.org